Usman Institute of Technology,Hamdard university

Usman Institute of Technology,Hamdard university

Usman Institute of Technology was established in 1994 through a benefaction of Usman Memorial Foundation as a private, not-for-profit Center of Excellence in technology. Its aim is to prepare Engineers, Technologists and Scientists who have the character and skills that the country needs and who would be readily employable on graduation to serve Pakistan.

The most pressing need of the country is self-reliance, to which institutions like UIT can respond by not only adapting technology from elsewhere, but also developing its own. In pursuit of this goal UIT endeavors to train a community of men and women who:

* Are application focused
* Are capable of independent and analytical thinking
* Are innovative and resourceful in solving complex problems
* Have strong interpersonal and managerial skills
* Are rational human beings, who show tolerance to others views and treat humanity, nature and environment with respect
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